Innovative manufacturing company goes for a scalable ERP system

SaltPower selects the right system and vendor by a thorough mapping of needs

The manufacturing company SaltPower faced high growth, which required both development and scaling of their organization, processes, workflows, and IT systems. To best prepare for this growth journey, it was necessary for SaltPower to implement a new ERP system, which should be able to support the current and future business.

Previously, SaltPower's focus was on the product, and thus not so much on whether they had effective processes and the right organization to support the business. With the prospect of growth, they needed to create a solid foundation with an ERP system that could be scaled as needed as the business grew.

SaltPower chose to seek help from kaastrup|andersen to create a solid decision-making basis for the purchase of a new ERP system.

One of the focus points for the task was that the ERP implementation had to be done in phases to avoid a "Big Bang" implementation, but also to not overburden the employees in the organization. The implementation was to take place in stages that made sense for SaltPower.

Below you can read about how SaltPower and kaastrup|andersen succeeded in the needs- and fact-based selection of an ERP vendor.

Do you want to know more?

Flemming Middelhede Jensen

Sales Manager
+45 70 27 77 19
Contact me

I think it was really important that we had some unbiased people to give us advice on what type of ERP system to choose. As a start-up you have many requirements, but it can also be difficult to predict all the things you want in the future. Therefore, it was important that we had someone who listened to our requirements, understood where we were in scaling the business, identified our needs and evaluated based on what they saw would be appropriate for us.

Lars Storm Petersen
CEO, SaltPower


SaltPower had conducted an initial survey of the market but found that it was difficult to see how the various vendors met their needs. The introductory meetings they held with the vendors did not provide further clarification. They found that all the vendors said they had the right solution, even though all the solutions were different. They had challenges comparing the different offers and understanding whether the different solutions were a real match.

SaltPower therefore needed a comprehensive and structured overview of their current and future requirements and needs with future growth in mind, so that they could make a choice of system and vendor on an informed basis. But they lacked the time and skills to solve this task.

Specifically, the production company needed help to:

  • Clarify strategy and vision for the implementation
  • Identify business critical needs
  • Manage the supplier selection process
  • Evaluate answers and presentations
  • Work through the information and create the basis for decision


kaastrup|andersen took SaltPower through a proven methodical process based on their needs. The methodical approach to vendor selection guaranteed that the decision-making basis was based on SaltPower's business requirements – and that the entire process was framed, structured and controlled. A clear decision-making basis should ensure that they could confidently make the right decision about the ERP system and vendor.

We helped SaltPower understand their own self-image through a series of interviews with key players in the company in various areas, e.g. finance, sales, engineering. The input formed the basis for the mapping of processes, dependencies, and functions. This resulted in detailed clarifications of needs. Based on this, it was possible to establish the most important requirements for what an ERP system should be able to do to support the business today, but also the future business, so that SaltPower does not have to implement yet another new ERP system in the coming growth phase.

The proven methodical approach helped ensure the right match of both system and vendor.

The process:

  • A requirements document was drawn up and sent out to the vendors
  • The vendors were chosen on the basis of kaastrup|andersen's experience with the systems' strengths - and together with SaltPower, 3 vendor candidates were selected from that list to be included in the further process
  • kaastrup|andersen supported the vendors in the process of answering the requirements document
  • The vendors had to follow up their answers with a presentation based on SaltPower's processes and needs
  • Input from answers and presentation was used for an overall evaluation – kaastrup|andersen's evaluation tool was used to create the overview, which made the different choices comparable
  • The results were compiled as one decision basis for SaltPower


kaastrup|andersen consolidated and condensed the material and presented SaltPower with a well-founded, fact-based decision-making basis.

The basis for the decision consisted of:

  • An evaluation of needs weighted according to how business-critical and value-creating they are.
  • An evaluation of the vendors and their ability to understand and relate to SaltPower as a company
  • A comparable financial overview (both implementation price and operating price based on a consideration of Total Cost of Ownership).

kaastrup|andersen helped SaltPower choose the right system and vendor. Today, they have a successfully implemented ERP system, which forms a solid base for the future growth of their business.

At kaastrup|andersen, we are ready to help you. We have an objective approach to the choice of ERP systems, based on the specific needs of your company.

We can help you with both the strategic considerations, choice of system, identification of needs, project management and management of implementation, including communication efforts and handover to operations. Read more about how we work with ERP here (in Danish).

You are always welcome to contact Flemming Middelhede Jensen at or call us on +45 70 27 77 19 to have a non-committal chat about your considerations regarding ERP.

Do you want to know more?

Flemming Middelhede Jensen

Sales Manager
+45 70 27 77 19
Contact me